Your feedback is important to us. Please help us by taking this brief survey. Please select the answers that apply to you.
1. Do you feel confident you can recognize the signs for a natural gas leak?
Not Really
2. Who would you contact if you suspected a possible leak?
a. 911
b. 811
d. A or C
3. How do you know if there is a pipeline near your home or business?
a. Pipeline marker/sign
b. I received a brochure from the gas company notifying me of the presence of gas lines near me
c. I am a customer or I see a natural gas meter
d. All of the above
4. If you needed to know where underground lines were located on your property, who would you call?
b. 811
c. 911
d. The power company
5. If you were planning to dig on your property, which of the following actions would you likely take?
a. Call 811
b. Call MUPB
c. Don't know
d. I don’t need to call anyone it is my property
6. What would you do in the event of a pipeline emergency?
a. Call 911
b. Call MUPB
c. Flee area
d. All of the above
e. Nothing
7. Did this brochure help to increase your knowledge of pipeline safety, calling 811 and what to do if you encounter a leak?
a. Yes
b. No