
135 S. Wilson Avenue
Morehead, KY 40351

Office Hours

Mon – Fri 8 AM – 4 PM


(606) 784-5538

Call Before You Dig!

Notice to Online Bill Pay Users



It has come to our attention that the online bill pay site doxo.com is accepting MUPB utility payments. We are not affiliated with doxo.com, or any other online bill pay service, except for the online bill pay available on our website.

Any payments submitted to doxo.com, or any other nonaffiliated online bill-pay service, will not be credited to your account until we receive the payment from the service itself, which may delay your payment being credited to your account by 7-10 business days. This delay may result in late fees or disconnection.

Also, there is a 2 day processing time on all bills paid on-line using the link on our website. If you pay your bill on-line on the day it is due to be disconnected, you will still be disconnected and will be responsible for the reconnect fee.