Water Treatment
The MUPB Water Plant is located at 450 Filtration Road, operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Our plant, built in 1968, was originally capable of treating 1.5 million gallons of water per day. In the early 1980`s the plant was upgraded and expanded to treat 5 million gallons of water per day.
Now, with our newest expansion, completed October 2002,. MUPB’s NEW Actiflo Water Treatment process has a design flow of 8.0 MGD and purifies an average 5.2 MGD.
Plans are currently being made to construct a new 12 million gallon per day water treatment plant to meet our growing community’s future water needs.

Lab Testing
The plant operators run many daily tests on the distribution and finished water. The tests run at this location include: PH, Chlorine, residual , Jar tests and fluoride. Samples are pulled from the clear wells, raw water line and ActiFlo systems. These tests tell the operator how to adjust the chemicals if necessary to achieve the high quality water that you and I have come to expect.

SCADA System
The water quality is closely monitored at our plant with a new SCADA system. With the SCADA system employees are able to monitor water tank levels, valve position and pump station controls.Our entire water plant and distribution system can be monitored and controlled from this computer work station. The computer is capable of notifying the operators of any alarms or variances which may occur at any time. As you can see, MUPB has moved water plant operation and distribution into the 21st century with its state of the art Water Plant and Control System.
We at the Morehead Water Plant work around the clock to provide top quality water to every tap. We ask that all our customers help us protect over water sources, which are the heart of our community, our way of life and our children’s future.
How to Read Your Residential Water Meter

To read the meter you record the numbers from the odometer type register. Since the odometer registers in hundreds of gallons you do not record the last two numbers. (The last number is a permanent number and the next dial registers tenths.) The remaining dials register the actual (in Hundreds) water used.
Subtract the previous reading from the new reading and you will know how many hundreds of gallons of water you have used.
Water Plant FAQs
Why does water need to be treated?
The short answer, is to keep you from getting sick. There are many chemical and microbial contaminants prevalent in surface waters and water treatment plants remove or reduce these in order to make your water safe to consume. All public water systems in Kentucky must meet or exceed both federal and state drinking water standards to ensure public safety. Kentucky drinking water regulations can be found in 401 KAR Chapter 8 while US EPA standards can be fount in 40 CFR Part 141 and 143
What chemicals are used in MUPB’s treatment process?
MUPB uses aluminum chlorohydrate as a primary coagulant to cause tiny colloidal particles in the source water to bond together into larger particles called floc. These larger floc particles are easier to remove through filtration. MUPB also uses sodium permanganate as a pre-oxidant to oxidize iron and manganese, which can cause discoloration in water. Chlorine is used to disinfect your tap water and to prevent microbial growth in the distribution system and your household plumbing. Sodium hydroxide is used to increase the pH level to make the water less corrosive to household plumbing and fluoride is added to your water as required by 902 KAR Chapter 115 Regulation 10.
How can I learn more about my drinking water?
MUPB publishes and distributes its annual Consumer Confidence Report each spring. A link to the CCR can be found on MUPB’s website and printed copies are available in the MUPB office. Another helpful resource is Kentucky Drinking Water Watch, where compliance data for every water system in the state can be found. You may also contact MUPB at 606-784-5538 if you have questions about your water.
Additional Information
Hours of Operation
Fax: (606) 783-0142
450 Filtration Plant Road
Morehead, KY 40351