Kentucky 811


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Why do I need to call Kentucky 811

In compliance with the Kentucky Dig Law, any activity that results in the movement, placement, probing, boring, or removal of earth, rock, or other material in or on the ground requires the excavator to contact the One Call Center with adequate information regarding the dig. Remember…It’s The Law!!!

When can I call

Kentucky 811 is open 7 days a week, 24 hours a day to process locate requests or address questions regarding a locate request. The toll free number is 800-752-6007 or 811 (the National Three Digit Call Before You Dig phone number).

Wait the Required Time

Each excavator is required to provide no less than two (2) business days nor more than ten (10) business days prior to commencing work. Kentucky 811 does not factor State and Federal Holidays in the 2 Business Day Notice required by law. When a Locate Request is submitted and a holiday falls sometime in the 2 business day notice then the date the holiday is observed will not be considered in the 2 business day notice.

To view the current year’s Holiday list that affects the 2 business day notice, visit our website at

The Call

When calling into the center, the One Call agent will ask you a series of questions concerning the dig site. The following questions were designed to comply with the KRS 367.4911 as well as input from our members, in order to provide enough information to correctly locate the underground facilities:

The name, address, and phone number of the company or person doing the digging.
1) The name and phone number of a person that can be reached if there are questions regarding the request.
2) Will blasting or explosives be used? (yes, no, possible, or unknown)
3) How deep are they digging?
4) The type of work being done. (e.g. installing fence, repairing cable, etc.).
5) The county/city of the dig site and if it is inside or outside of the city limits.
6) The location of the dig site (e.g. address, main road, intersection, etc.).
7) The nearest cross street to the dig site.
8) The location on the property where the digging will take place. (e.g. entire property; along the front of property, etc.)
9) A section is also included for placing remarks that might be needed to provide additional information and/or clarification.

At the end of your call you will be given a Confirmation/Ticket number. This is how your information is filled and the proof of your call. You will also be given a list of the MEMBER utilities that will be notified of your request. Not all utilities are a member with our service. You will be responsible for notifying any non members that may be in that area.

How can I find out who is a Member of Kentucky 811?

If you would like to view a listing of current Kentucky 811 Members, you can visit our website at

What happens after the call

After the ticket has been created, it is forwarded to all Kentucky 811 Members who are in the area of the dig site. Kentucky 811 strives to map every locate request so that only the Members who are in the dig site area receive the request. However, when a ticket cannot be mapped, the ticket is transmitted to all Members in the county and/or city where the dig is slated to take place. Although this means that some Members will be notified that are not in the dig site area, it is the only way we can assure that damages don’t occur.

How long does a Member have to respond to the request?

In most cases, Members have two full business days to respond to the locate request. However, there are other types of priority locate requests, such as Emergency or Damage Emergency. It is at the discretion of the Member as to how soon they will locate the lines on a high priority ticket. We may request for an earlier date and time at the caller’s request, but we can never commit to utility response.

Note: “Business day” means from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. every day except Saturday, Sunday, and holidays established by federal or state statute.

How do the utilities mark their lines?

Utilities may use paint, flags or other kinds of markings, but they should all mark according to the APWA uniform color code.

APWA Uniform Color Code Chart

How close to the markings can I dig?

The law states there is an 18” hand digging zone on each side of the width of the facility

How long are the markings good for?

The excavator shall contact the protection notification center to request remarking every twenty-one (21) days while excavation or demolition continues or if:

(a) The markings of any underground facility have been removed or are no longer visible; or
(b) The excavator has changed the work plan or location previously filed